Take home points:
1. When shooting outdoors with a long lense (not bright), make sure you ISO support a high enough shutter speed so your shots are crisp. (ex. I shot with 100, and some of my shutter speeds were below 1/100 of a sec, so it approached the troubled zone for hand-held shooting.
Recommendation: use 400 ISO with a long lense (75-300 4-5.6) to ensure your shutter speeds are quick enough to prevent problematic motion.
2. When shooting with a Speedlight capable of high-speed sync, employ that with your AV mode. The Canon Speedlight limits the shutter speed to 1/200th of a second when shooting in the normal flash mode. This means if you want to open up your lense to create a nice blur and still use your fill, the camera may need to set a higher shutter speed (like 1/1000) to have a correct exposure. I ran into this a few times yesterday. I opened up the aperature to blur, thus bringing in more light for the background exposure. In AV, the camera needed to set a TV of 1/1000, but had to stop at 1/200, which ultimately blew out the whole shot.
Recommendation: use 400 ISO in AV, set the speed light to High Speed Sync and open up the aperature for a nice blur. The camera will set a high TV, but will still be able to give a nice fill.
3. When shooting with Lee Miller, be prepared to have fun!
Time to upgrade some equipment--the only problem is funds. In His time!