Ladies and Gentlemen of the Guild,
Here is a recap of what happened Monday night at the Service Project meeting. Notes were diligently taken and transcribed by our gracious Rosalyn Sample, then passed on to me for butchering.
First, let me (Bruce) marvel at how the meeting went. It was clearly a "God-thing" that we were able to deal with each agenda item, plus a few others, all within a mere two hours. Much of the reason why we could be so efficient was because no egos gummed up the works! Everyone sought what was good for the victims of the fire and to glorify God. With all the talent for portrait photography the attitude was "just to be used in whatever capacity will do the most good." It's a privilege to know and work with people of this caliber.
This project even has a name: The Castle West Portrait Project – Beauty from Ashes.
Background as to how the idea was birthed: KVOR's announcement regarding those who lost all their family photos prompted Ted to take action with the idea that the CPG would do portraits for each family affected. Bruce (our project manager) followed up the next day on Ted's idea and informed us that he had secured a location.
Eric played guitar and led singing. That helped us all get a more Godly focus for the many and significant decisions we were to make.
Location secured: 1785 N. Academy……..2nd bldg. north of Cowboys' night club. It's got lobby that is about 20' x 60' with large glass windows and doors on the east and west ends. It's more than large enough for two studio sets, a hospitality table and several chairs. An office just off the lobby area will be more than adequate to set up computers to print photos and burn CDs. Plenty of power outlets, too. Restrooms are accessible directly off the lobby.
Date and times: Saturday Feb. 10th, 10-2 p.m. for actual portraits, CPG and anyone helping will need to plan on being there 3 p.m. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. We ALL need to be there at 9AM so we can assess who has what, what's going to be used of what's been brought and make sure that it's all working properly. This is where the peace of organization can turn into chaos and create all sorts of tension. Please, please, please be on time… or even a tad early. Your team members will be grateful.
Rough estimate could be approximately 50 families, but we will be prepared for more, or less, depending on God's plans. Families will receive a 5 x 7 print in a folder, and a CD suitable for enlargement printings copyright-free.
We have come to terms with the fact that there is no known way to verify the legitimacy of anyone walking in and claiming to be a fire victim. We will simply provide free portraits to anyone who comes and without verifying. It's all good experience, a time to practice and improve. Our motto could be: Shoot 'em all and let God sort 'em out! (Sounds like something Russ wudda come up with.)
For press release: "For all Castle West Residents affected by the fire: No one can replace the memories you lost in the fire, but you can have brand new portraits to mark this new chapter in your lives – absolutely free. No strings attached. This event is being hosted by the Christian Photographers Guild of Colorado Springs. They will provide free portrait sittings, a 5 x 7 print in a folder, and a CD of your portrait images so that you can make more prints later. This will take place at 1785 North Academy Blvd Colorado Springs on Saturday, Feb. 10th, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. No appointments are needed and, again, it is absolutely free."
Volunteers have offered the following donations, equipment use, or tasks to be completed:
1. Ted
a. 5 x 7 folders for prints
b. labels printed for CD's with CPG website & a copyright-free notice included
2. Monica
a. Hobby Lobby for frames (waiting for answer),
b. Loan of small whiteboards to write names & images
c. Laptop
d. Will call Fargos for possible pizza donation,
e. Directional signage to be made by student volunteers, who will also be assisting the day of the project
3. Bruce
a. Deep Rock – ½ - liter bottles of water
b. Vacuum for cleanup
c. Laptop
d. Table
4. Amy Sheller (friend of Greg's) - $200 worth of ink through Cartridge World
5. Harvey Blasdel
a. Use of building
b. No charge for utilities
c. 2 tables
d. Chairs, lots of them
6. Chris - loan of monitor
7. Greg
a. Printer set-up
b. Will call for possible food donations
8. Ted & Rosalyn will check on getting bibles donated
9. Each photographer who comes will bring as much studio equipment as they have within reason, including camera, backdrops, power strips, strobes with optical AND radio releases, two memory cards for each camera,
11. Jim will print flyers & for possible press release) with donors listed - Each donor must call him to be included on the list
12. Eric - will loan sound system with CD's to play during the day
13. Ric Gaddy - will call for possible food donations
Specific task volunteers:
Jim – posing coach
Greg - lab
Gail Hinson - Hostess
Monica - will secure student assistants for the day
A joint effort will be made by all, with most volunteers rotating throughout multiple jobs, and will be determined that day.
A ministry will be made available should anyone need someone to pray with or for them.
Rosalyn asked, "Bruce - do we want to offer a phone number or contact information?"
Bruce's reply: "Sure, Rosalyn. It can be anyone but me. Seriously, though, let's put the info on our web site. Would you coordinate with Russ and Greg to work this one out, please? I'm really short on time for the next few days. Whatever you 3 decide is fine with me. Please let me know what you decide."